The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, October 24, 2015

More Fall Fun!

I am so excited because I have 12 days off of work the last two weeks of October!  I always take time off around this time of year because it's such a busy and fun time of year!  Yesterday I went to Cora's Fall party and to her Pumpkin Palazzo at her school!  We also went to Pop's work to get a tour of his office and go trick or treating!  Pop's office is amazing!!  What a fun fall day we had!
We've also been busy playing lots of soccer and had a great Girl Scout meeting at Three Lakes Park last Thursday!

Troop 3230 at Three Lakes Park!

Pop's office!

Lots of soccer in the backyard!

I love these two together!

Soccer pics!

U4 Soccer!

Happy at her Fall class party!

Cora and Kati!

My girl and I!

Getting ready at Nana's for Trick or treating at Pop's work!

Pop with Spiderman and Wonder woman! 

We love Pop!

Pop and his grandkids!

Trick or treating in the office!

Lillian and Cora at Pumpkin Palazzo!

Ella Grace and Cora!

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