The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Friday, October 30, 2015

Trick or Treating at the Parke!

We love going to Nana and Pop's' neighborhood for their annual trick or treating!  The kids love to get together and get some trick or treating in before Halloween day.  They all had a great time even though at the time we didn't know that Madelyn was running a fever!  Turns out she had strep throat, poor thing! She was a trooper though!  We love our annual tradition at The Parke!

Cora always giving Holden lots of attention 

Nana with her grandkids!

The group!

Pop and Nana with all five!

The girls!

Josh was quick and never stopped!

My Wonder Woman!

Group picture!

A Look at the Week....

Here are some random pictures along with Josh's Halloween parade at school.  It was a rainy and cold morning so we had to do the parade inside.  This is my 5th parade I've been to over the years (3 years with Cora and now Josh's second year) and we've never had it inside!  It was tight but they made it work!  We also carved pumpkins and went to the dentist!  Busy week!


I'm not sure how well he could see under his mask!

Posing with Lena after her haircut!

Dentist time!

Super hero day at school!  

She didn't want to wear her Wonder Woman costume

She wanted to be Super Cora!

Soccer pic!

Carving pumpkins

Cora designing 

So proud

Josh was very serious designing his pumpkin 

All done!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Apple Picking!

On Sunday we went up to Chiles Peach Orchard to pick apples!  I absolutely LOVE Chiles Peach Orchard.  I think it is so beautiful and peaceful.  It is much smaller and more simple than Carter Mountain.  There are barely any crowds and the scenery is beautiful.  The leaves were at their peak colors so the drive up there was beautiful too.  Apple picking is my favorite fall event and I look forward to it every year!

Sunday more relaxing before apple picking  

Corn hole! 

Holden loved the wagon!

My girl in the tree!

Josh loved pulling the wagon with Holden!

Josh loved running through the peach trees!

Family pic!

Nana and Pop with their grandkids!


Going to find apples!

Beautiful scenery!

My little red head

Pop and Josh!

My little guy

Always wearing his spider man hat!

Done picking apples!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

More Fall Fun!

I am so excited because I have 12 days off of work the last two weeks of October!  I always take time off around this time of year because it's such a busy and fun time of year!  Yesterday I went to Cora's Fall party and to her Pumpkin Palazzo at her school!  We also went to Pop's work to get a tour of his office and go trick or treating!  Pop's office is amazing!!  What a fun fall day we had!
We've also been busy playing lots of soccer and had a great Girl Scout meeting at Three Lakes Park last Thursday!

Troop 3230 at Three Lakes Park!

Pop's office!

Lots of soccer in the backyard!

I love these two together!

Soccer pics!

U4 Soccer!

Happy at her Fall class party!

Cora and Kati!

My girl and I!

Getting ready at Nana's for Trick or treating at Pop's work!

Pop with Spiderman and Wonder woman! 

We love Pop!

Pop and his grandkids!

Trick or treating in the office!

Lillian and Cora at Pumpkin Palazzo!

Ella Grace and Cora!