The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year!  It is such a magical time of year, especially through the eyes of Cora and Josh.  The excitement and joy they have makes it truly the most wonderful time of year.  We had a very busy Christmas Eve and Day.  Christmas Eve we went to Grammy and Papa's house for dinner.  We had a great time with all of the Nolans and especially loved the Secret Santa gift exchange.  We got home late, but Cora was very ready to put the Reindeer dust out and get Santa's cookies ready.  Sam read Cora and Josh 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and everyone headed to bed. 
Christmas morning was amazing and the excitement was contagious.  Santa brought many awesome gifts, but Cora and Josh each got something special from Sam and I.  Josh got Sam's John Deere tractor that Sam had gotten for his 2nd Christmas!  Many hours were put into this tractor and the look on Josh's face was priceless when he saw it!  Cora got Felicity, my American Girl doll from childhood.  She LOVES her doll and I can't wait to take her to get her very own doll this year in DC!
We went to the Atkins house for  Christmas brunch then headed to Nana and Pop's for Christmas lunch/dinner and opening presents!  We had such a good time with Meme, the McGuire's and Nana and Pop.  Nana goes the extra step to make her grandchildren's Christmas extra special filled with wonderful memories.  We will always cherish them.
Overall, Christmas was wonderful and magical.  And we are recovering from too much food and busy holiday craziness.  I am looking forward to a less hectic schedule, but dreading these cold winter months ahead.  Maybe we will get a good snow to shake up the cold months:) 

The John Deere tractor all ready!

Cookies, milk, and carrots ready for Santa and his reindeer!

Santa came!

So excited to get a salon chair (like Madelyn of course!)

Josh opening his pirate ship!

A sound puzzle!

Cora ready to open her present next!

Josh LOVED opening gifts!

All of the presents under the tree at Nana and Pop's!

I love the look on Ellie's face in this picture!

Christmas dessert...Red Velvet Cake (a tradition!)

The day after Christmas playing with playdoe!

Cora and her doctor jacket and medical kit!


Opening lots of presents!

Love Nana and Pop's room filled with gifts!

Lena doing Christmas snooze!

Our amazing family

Love this picture!

Meme and her great grandkids!

My sweet boy saying his blessing!

Helping Meme out!

Nana got Cora and Josh sleeping bags!

Nothing like a cousin hug...Cora loves her Groovy Doll!

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