The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Baby it's cold outside!

These past few weeks have been so cold!!  We keep getting a "polar vortex" which basically brings very cold weather from Canada.  Richmond is not use to these temperatures!  Schools have been delayed at times due to such cold temps.  We have been trying to stay warm and keep busy!  One thing we did last weekend was go to the basketball game at U of R.  It was so much fun and the kids LOVED it!  We all had a blast and hope to do it again next year! 

Bundle up!!!

My sassy little girl!

Waiting in the preschool car pool line!

Taking a little nap on my birthday, such a sweet little face!

Waving bye to Daddy while he goes to work!

U of R basketball game!

Josh loved hanging with his cousins.  Didn't get a picture of Cora, not sure why!
But she was there!

My heart melts when I look at this picture!

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