The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Joshua Hudson Nolan

On August 24th, we welcomed our sweet boy into this world, Joshua Hudson!  He weighed 8lbs 5oz, and was 21 1/2 inches long!  A little bigger than his sister, who was 8lbs 1oz, and 20 1/2 inches long!  Joshua has a head full of brown hair, which we were suprised about!  I was sure he would have red hair like his sister:)  On August 23rd, Virginia had a pretty big earthquake, which shook all of us up, literally.  That night, Cora and I had Mexican dinner with Auntie Linz.  Needless to say, either the earthquake or the mexican dinner had an impact on me going on into labor that night!  I woke up at 2am with severe labor pain and my little man made his appearance a few hours later!  Nana was there for the delivery, and I don't think in a million years she would have thought she would have witnessed me give natural child birth!  Yes, that's right!  I did not get my epidural like I had planned because it was too late!  I do have to say though, Cora's birth was long and drawn out.  This birth was fast (very painful!), but done quickly!  In the end, I am so proud of myself for being able to do it.  Not many people can say that they gave natural childbirth!  My sweet Joshua is such an amazing little baby, and we are loving every minute of our family of four!

My big boy!

His oxygen had to be monitored after birth (my man gave me a little scare when he was a couple hours old!)

Look at that brown hair!

Grammy with her 9th grandchild!

Aunt Susie with her nephew!

So in love with this little man!

Proud Nana & Pop!

Daddy and his babies!

So sweet!

My precious babies!

So in love with my sweet girl's face!!

Auntie Linz came to visit!

Getting ready to go home!

All ready to go!

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