The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Sunday, October 30, 2011

1st day of Preschool!

Cora started preschool this year at the Gingerbread Cottage!  It was a last minute decision but I am so glad I decided to put her in school!  She goes from 8:45-11:45am on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Her teachers are Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. Chehouri. She is loving school and has made some new little friends.  Her class is the majority boys, so we will see how that goes!  I can't believe my little girl is in preschool and she will soon be 3!  Where has the time gone!

The night before school...she was getting excited!

Having a chat with baby brother about how she is going to school!

Having a good start to the day with breakfast that her daddy made her!

All ready!!

It was interesting trying to get two kids out the door to school on time!

Such a big girl!

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