The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween - Part I

Pop and Nana's neighborhood holds a little Halloween parade with trick-or-treating every year!  We went last year and had so much fun!  So we were excited to go again this year!  Cora loves the movie Snow White and we probably watch it once a day!  She is such a perfect Snow White because of her skin tone and red lips!  The four grandchildren were absolutely adorable trick-or-treating (well Joshua really didn't participate)!  Good thing Nana and Pop moved to the Parke....we love the annual Parke Parade!!

Getting ready for the parade!

The four cousins!

Joshua the Poisonous Apple, Ellie the Cowardly Lion, Dorothy, & Snow White!

The girls!

The boy! :)

Checking out what's going on!

I didn't make it to the parade because I was feeding Joshua, so I don't know what really went on!  Ellie does look upset though!

Don't know what's going on in this picture?!

1st stop!

Perfect weather!  It was an unusually warm night!

Tired Lion!

Ending the night in the wagon!

This is a picture from last year...what a difference a year makes!

Sam pulling the girls back to Nana's last year...Ellie was out of town so she was not there!

Last year's first stop!

2 months old!

Sweet Joshua was 2 months old on October 24th!  Hard to imagine!!  My sweet boy coos all the time and loves to smile!  He does great with tummy time too!  If you get his attention really well, he will smile and laugh at you for a long time.  We just love his little smile and laugh!  At 2 months, Joshua weighs 13lbs 9 oz, and is 24 inches long!  He is in the 92 percentile for his weight and 90th for his height!  Once again, I have a tall child! 

2 months old!

Such a happy boy!

Hello Joshua!

So sweet:)

Lena checking out what's going on!

Cora is almost 3...ahh!!

Trying out some bumbo time!

Of course Miss Cora had to try to!

Cora loving her new boots!

My sweet precious, precious babies!

Loves his tummy time mat!!

Soo happy!

Once again, the sister and her brother playing!

Carving Pumpkins!

This year was the first year we actually carved a pumpkin!  Cora had so much fun, and so did her daddy!  After carving, she had to put some hello kitty stickers on it...Cora style!

Dressed up in Cinderella outfit ready to carve!

So excited!

Daddy helping!

Cleaning out the pumpkin!

So sweet:)

Of course finishing it off with some hello killy stickers!

Carter's Mountain!

This was the second year we have gone apple picking at Carter's Mountain!  We love to go now every year.  It is so beautiful up there and Cora loves to run around and pick apples!  We also love the apple donuts:)  This year we went as a big group.  Nana and Pop went along with the McGuire family, the Shaeffer's, the Kelly's, and John and Lily Meehan!  It was a big group but we had so much fun!!  Taking Joshua was a challenge, but it worked out well!  As usual, he was a good boy!

Nana and Pop with the grandkids!

Picking apples with daddy!

Lots of walking, which Cora loves!

Taking a break to eat an apple!

Sleeping baby!

Shay and Cora taking a romantic walk!

These two get along so well together!

Julie and I were troopers!

My precious boy slept the whole time!

Eating/chatting about apples!

Growing Babies!

In October we were busy with school, playdates, etc.!  Aunt Kelly celebrated her birthday, which somehow I did not get a picture of her blowing out her candles on her cake.  I'm sure I had my hands full holding a baby!  Here are some pictures of our October!!

At outing at the VMFA!  Lily, Madelyn, Cora, and Shay!

Hello Lena Belle!

Telling her baby brother he needs to talk to Nana!

So excited she can wear a head band!

Growing boy!

Typical dressed, Cora not yet!

Watching some tv together!

My big man!

Just love that face!!

LOVES to watch his mobile!

Being silly with Lena!

At Aunt Kelly's Birthday!

Joshua-7 weeks old!

Getting some love from Uncle Bill!

The apple hat I bought from Etsy!  He is Snow White's poisnous apple!

Typical afternoon at the Nolan household!