The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Josh's Christmas Sing-a-long!

Josh was super excited about his sing-a-long this year.  Last year he was not interested at all and laid down on the steps with his shirt lifted up!  This year he has been practicing his songs and singing them to us all the time.  He was so cute in his little Santa hat and he did awesome!  So confident that he even did a little bow at the end!  Unfortunately Sam could not get away from work but Nana and Pop, and Grammy and Papa came to see him!  He was so happy and excited to see everyone!

Nana and Pop!

I got to leave work for a little bit to see my guy!

My little singer:)

He was very expressive with his songs!

No lying down with his shirt up this year!

Melt my heart....


Papa and Grammy!

Random pic of Josh and Holden today at Martins.
Josh holding his watermelon and Holden not sure what's going on!

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