The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Fun!

Hard to believe Christmas is a few days away!!  We are enjoying our winter break from school and have been staying busy with lots of holiday activities! We have decorated cookies, been on tacky light tours, delivered letters to Santa, and just enjoying the holiday season!!

My Santa!

While I was on my tacky light tour with friends, I ran into my babies!!

Mailing their letters to Santa!

It was so crazy we saw each other and not planned at all!

Loving Beau's tractor at Aunti Laurie's!

Beau and Josh making cookies!

Cora and Abby at the Nutcracker!

They loved it!

Selfie with Karen!

Such sweet girls!

Cora loved watching the Nutcracker with her Girl Scout troop!

Twins with Samantha!

Josh loves his Rudolph book from Uncle Dan!

Pajama Day at school!

Ready to go see the Velveteen Rabbit with Nana and Pop and the McGuire girls!

Tacky light tour for Mallory's birthday!


Ready to make cookies at Nana's!


Holden to quite ready to participate yet!

My little cookie maker

My handsome guy!

Nana and  Aunt Doris working hard!

The group at work!

Ready to bake!

Looking serious with Aunt Doris!

The both love her!

All done, we love Nana!

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