The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Cousins Christmas!

Today we headed back over to Nana and Pop's house for a cousins Christmas with the Costley family!  It was so good to see Kathryn and her family and Justin and Patty.  We don't get to see each other much, so we are always so excited to be able to see each other!  It was great food and we even had a holiday performance by Uncle Harold, Kathryn, Michael, Patty, Aunt Doris, and Ellie!  And Justin was the conductor of the band.   It was perfect!!  We had a great time and we wish we could all get together more often!

The holiday performance!

Cousins and 2nd cousins!

1st cousins!

Sister, brother, and inlaws!

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year!   We are so lucky to have such a wonderful family to spend time with around the holidays.  Christmas morning started off with opening presents from Santa!  The kids were SO excited and we loved watching them open their gifts.  We then headed off to Auntie Laurie's house and had breakfast in our Christmas PJs!  After going home and resting for a bit, we headed over to Nana and Pop's house for our Christmas dinner!  With both of our families being in town, we are nonstop around the holidays!  We had a wonderful time with our families and are so thankful for a healthy and happy 2015 we have had!  We are excited for the New Year and we plan to rest around this holiday!!

Gerald and Sam at Auntie Laurie's!
Emma made them their hats!

Cora loving on Lola

Opening presents!

Santa has arrived!

Checking out their loot!

So happy!

Lena is always involved!

His facial expressions are so great!!

They each asked for an alarm clock!

Lena involved again!

An excited face!

I love these two!

Loves his light sabor!

Love her bing bag chair!

More excitement!

Stocking time!

My loves!

Sam loves his Glen Allen coaster:)

Christmas morning at Auntie Laurie's!

Meme with her boys!

Christmas at Nana and Pop's!

Opening their ornaments!

So happy!

My family!

Cheers at dinner!

Cora and Madelyn read the names

Ellie and Josh handed the presents out!

Ready to open gifts!



Opening their calendar of all of the grandkids 

Pop loves his Striker soccer hat!

December 23rd and 24th!

We had a busy couple of days leading up to Christmas Eve!  Richmond weather has been crazy this past week.  It's been warm in the 70s with lots of rain.  Not the best weather for the holiday season!  On Wednesday before Christmas it was raining with temps in the 70s.  Kelly and I decided to get out to Short Pump mall and and just make a day of it!  We put the kids in their rain coats and headed out to the busy mall!  We ended up having so much fun!  It was a perfect holiday adventure and we will never forgot Christmas in the rain at the mall!
I had to work Christmas Eve this year but I was very happy to be off Christmas Day!  So while I was at work Sam, Cora, and Josh went to the Nolan's house for Grammy and Papa's Christmas Eve party!  While I missed my family on Christmas Eve, I had a great time with my coworkers!  I truly work with the best bunch of nurses!  

My North 9 Family!

Love these girls!

Nothing stops us!!

Ready to head out!!

These kids are always up for anything

My babies!

Checking out the new LL Bean store!

Love the tree and reindeer!

Grammy and Papa with all 9 of their grandchildren!
Ages 4 to 22

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Fun!

Hard to believe Christmas is a few days away!!  We are enjoying our winter break from school and have been staying busy with lots of holiday activities! We have decorated cookies, been on tacky light tours, delivered letters to Santa, and just enjoying the holiday season!!

My Santa!

While I was on my tacky light tour with friends, I ran into my babies!!

Mailing their letters to Santa!

It was so crazy we saw each other and not planned at all!

Loving Beau's tractor at Aunti Laurie's!

Beau and Josh making cookies!

Cora and Abby at the Nutcracker!

They loved it!

Selfie with Karen!

Such sweet girls!

Cora loved watching the Nutcracker with her Girl Scout troop!

Twins with Samantha!

Josh loves his Rudolph book from Uncle Dan!

Pajama Day at school!

Ready to go see the Velveteen Rabbit with Nana and Pop and the McGuire girls!

Tacky light tour for Mallory's birthday!


Ready to make cookies at Nana's!


Holden to quite ready to participate yet!

My little cookie maker

My handsome guy!

Nana and  Aunt Doris working hard!

The group at work!

Ready to bake!

Looking serious with Aunt Doris!

The both love her!

All done, we love Nana!