The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Winter Wonderland Dance & A Snow Day!

Last Sunday Cora got to attend her first Girl Scout event!  It was a Winter Wonderland Ball put on by another local Girl Scout troop.  She was SO excited about the dance.  I had to work so her good friend Samantha and her mom picked up Cora!  Madelyn and Ellie were also there with Madelyn's troop.  She loved seeing her cousins and had a blast!

On Tuesday we had a little winter weather roll through.  The northeast got hit with a big snowstorm and we got maybe 1 to 2 inches.  It was enough to close school for the day!  I was working and Nana took them out for a little bit to play in the snow.  Nana is a trooper for driving in the snow!!  I hope we get at least one "big snow" this winter.  These little snowstorms are not too much to write home about!

Making snow angels

Eating snow is always a must for the Nolan children

And throwing snowballs

Samantha and Cora ready for the dance!

Beautiful girls!

Fun at the dance!

Cousin love!

A few scouts from Madelyn and Cora's troop!

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