The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, January 3, 2015


We had such a wonderful Christmas!  It was filled with family, food, presents, and love!  We had a very busy Christmas Eve and Christmas day.  We went to the Grammy and Papa's on Christmas Eve. We did our  Secret Santa and the kids absolutely love that part.  Josh was Beau's Secret Santa and Cora was Josh's Secret Santa.  Cora got her gift from Nolan.  They were so excited to find out who everyone had.  It was such a fun time!  On Christmas morning Santa came and left lots of good presents!  Cora and Josh loved everything and it was such a magical and special morning.  We had a wonderful brunch at Auntie Laurie's house and then headed over to Nana and Pop's for Christmas evening!  We always have such a fun time at Nana and Pop's!  The food was delicious and Nana and Pop go out of their way to make everything so special.  We are a very lucky family to have so much love!!  These pictures are a little out of order:)

Making cookies with Nana and Pop.
Poor Cora was sick:(

Nana with three of her babies!

Love this picture!

Christmas Eve!

Grammy and Papa's grandchildren!

Santa arrived!

My sweet girl was so excited for Santa!

Beau and Josh have so much fun together!

Cora opening her gift!

They loved their sleds!!

So happy!

Ending the night at Nana and Pop's!

Running to Santa's gifts!

Checking out their loot!


Patiently taking turns

My loves:)

One happy little girl

Opening gifts from Mama and Daddy


Daddy opening gifts!

They were very lucky this year!

Cinnamon bun breakfast!

Nana always has fun headbands!

Yearly ornament! 

The group minus Holden!

Opening presents!

Giving Nana her necklace!

Pop opening presents!

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