The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

U of R Football Game!

On Saturday we braved the rain, wind, and cold and headed out to the U of R Football Game! Tailgating was fun and not too cold, but the game was brutal!  It got a little chilly watching the Spiders!  But we all had fun, especially the kids.  It could be 20 degrees out and they would still be running around having fun, as long as they're together!
Here are also some random pics of Cora on Pajama Day at school (Echo Lake got 100% PTA membership so they got an extra Pajama Day) and of Josh writing his name!  Boy oh boy has my little guy made strides lately.  His speech has exploded and he amazes me with his speech every day. I feel like three is his magic age and everything seems to click!  He loves preschool and he loves his speech class.  I am so proud of him!
Side note-Cora had her parent teacher conference today!  Mrs. Bouton said she is extremely sweet and well behaved.  She is right on target in every area of learning.  I am so proud of my sweet girl.  It is amazing how much she is learning in school, especially with her reading.  It's unbelievable!
To sum it up, I'm so very proud of these two.  What a great start to the school year they have had!

Pajama Day!


Staying warm in Daddy's arms

The kids

Kelly, Alison, and I.
We have been friends with Alison our entire lives!

Love this picture!

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