The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Halloween at Nana and Pop's & Josh's Parade!

Every year Nana and Pop's neighborhood hosts a little Halloween parade and then everyone goes trick or treating.  They do this before Halloween and we look forward to every year!  The McGuire and Nolan kids decided to do a theme this year!  They were all Wizard of Oz characters!  We had The Wicked Witch of the West (Madelyn), Glenda the Good Witch (Cora), Dorothy (Ellie), The Cowardly Lion (Josh), and a Flying Monkey (Holden).  The kids had a GREAT time!  Pop was out of town for work but Nana did a great job hosting!
Today Josh had his Halloween parade at The Gingerbread Cottage.  He was the cutest Cowardly Lion and kept waving to me the whole time.  Cora had been in this parade for the past three years, and now it was Josh's turn!  I always love watching them! 

Sweet cousins

Nana and her grandchildren!

More sweetness

These girls really do love each other

I couldn't resist taking pictures of their sweetness!

The witches!

The group pictures!

My beautiful Glenda

Here they go!

So happy and excited!

Near the end but still happy!

My Cowardly Lion!

Some of his little class

So sweet

Such a happy little guy!

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