The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tom and Vera's Wedding!

This past weekend we went up to NJ/NY for Tom and Vera's wedding!  We stayed in North Bergen NJ, a town that overlooks the New York City's skyline.  One word for the weekend...amazing!  We had such an awesome time at the welcome dinner, wedding, and brunch.  It was nice to visit with the McGuire's who we love to hang out with!  Before the wedding, Sam, my dad, and I went into NYC. We had a fabulous time walking around and enjoying the sights.  Sam and I had a kid free weekend!  Auntie Lindz and her boyfriend Tony kept them Saturday.  And Grammy and Papa kept them Sunday/Monday.  We missed them very much but it was nice to have a weekend to ourselves!  I would love to take the kids to NY one day.  I know they would love it.  Congrats to Tom and Vera...what an incredible wedding weekend!

Kelly celebrated her 37th birthday on Monday!
What little cuties we were!

These guys grabbed a picture with me!

Beautiful lunch overlooking the Hudson river

Enjoying our weekend to ourselves!

Statue of Liberty!

Holden at the Welcome dinner

On the water ferry to the city

My new friends!

What a view

Times Square

Sam with his new hat!

The Freedom Tower

Still enjoying our nice lunch!


The happy couple!

At the reception

Love this pic of my dad and I

Cora and Josh eating the chocolate covered pretzels
from the wedding (bride and groom)!

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