The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hello September!

Here are some random pictures from the month so far!

Nana and Pop kept the McGuire girls for the weekend, so we had a fun morning at the park!
Josh trying to feed himself yogurt!
Playing with Nana's dress up clothes!
Silly boy!
Watching TV together in the morning!
Josh and Lena switched places!
A little morning quiet time!
We kept Ellie one morning...Josh just loves his cousin!
More dress up!
Joshua is starting to use his walker more!
Watching trash pick up...very interesting!
Another outfit!
Cora and Lena switch places!

Pop and Josh at the park!

Cora in her booster seat now and Josh is facing foward...they are growing up!

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