The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Joshua!!

Wow my baby boy is really one!! Hard to believe it! We had two birthday parties for him. The first party was with the Nolans' and we did a joint party with Beau who turned 3! We had a great time and we were then ready to head to the beach the next day! Our second celebration was at the beach and we had a little party for him for the Pickels' side. It was such a fun beach party!! The girls loved it and Josh learned that he loves cake! Joshua is such a sweet little boy! Very into crawling and keeping himself busy! He is so cute with his big eyes and huge smile. He still babbles a lot and sometimes I hear him say a few words like this or that and hat?! Still sleeping 12 hours and 2 naps a day..a champion sleeper!
My neighbor Cindy took some amazing pictures of him for his first birthday in her backyard. We are so thankful for her taking such awesome pictures of our babies! We love our sweet boy and he is such a joy to our lives!!
Sweet brother and sister...Picture taken by our neighbor Cindy!

Birthday party at the Nolan's!

My sweet boy:)

Cora helping Josh open presents at the Nolans!

My pretty girl!
Aunt Susie and Cora!

Love the black and white shots!
Party at the beach!!  What a great background!
So hard to believe he is 1!!
The rocking chair that Nana and Pop gave Joshua for his birthday!

Love his coloring!

Trying to get in with the action at the Nolan's!
Just a random pic of Cora doing her "ballet"!

Look at all of those teeth!

Lots of crawling in the grass at Cindy's!
Another random pic of my girl:)  She will be 4 in December!
Birthday cake at the Nolan's!
Loves his rocker!
What a great moment...Cora meeting her baby brother:)

Joshua in his new shoes rocking in his new rocker:)

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