The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Richmond Strikers!

I signed Cora up for soccer back in early summer and I've been so excited for her to start her little soccer league! She is in the 4U Richmond Strikers league and two of her preschool friends are on her team too-Alex and Talia! Today she had her first game and did awesome! She listened well, ran fast, and kicked the ball really well! She was eating lunch after the game and said..."I don't think I scored a goal..." I told her she would next time!!  She has a game every Saturday until the end of October...I think I may be more excited than she is!
Talia and Cora!
Running fast!
So excited before the game...with her pink socks and ball!
Listening to directions during practice!
So cute!

She was very fast!

More practicing!
She got a popsicle after the game!
Showing off her moves:)
She looked so cute with her short hair!
Sitting on their soccer was the thing to do at practice!
Such good little friends!
Taking a break!

Hello September!

Here are some random pictures from the month so far!

Nana and Pop kept the McGuire girls for the weekend, so we had a fun morning at the park!
Josh trying to feed himself yogurt!
Playing with Nana's dress up clothes!
Silly boy!
Watching TV together in the morning!
Josh and Lena switched places!
A little morning quiet time!
We kept Ellie one morning...Josh just loves his cousin!
More dress up!
Joshua is starting to use his walker more!
Watching trash pick up...very interesting!
Another outfit!
Cora and Lena switch places!

Pop and Josh at the park!

Cora in her booster seat now and Josh is facing foward...they are growing up!

First day of school!

Preschool has started again! This is the second year Cora has gone to the Gingerbread Cottage Preschool. This year she is in the 3 year old program going to school 3 days a week-Monday through Wednesday. Her teacher is Mrs. Hennessy and we just love her already. I think she has some really great ideas for the school year so we are all very excited!! I had to work the first day of school so Nana was in charge! Thanks to my Mom for taking her to school and getting her there on time! Not easy with a one year old too!

All ready to go!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

OBX 2012!!

So after working on this post I accidentally deleted it! So this will be a shorter version;)
We had a fabulous time at the beach this year and it was a great way to end our summer! We already miss the pool and summer activities but we are ready for a little fall fun!
We missed Tom and Vera terribly and wish they could have joined us!!
Here are some pictures from our trip...until next year Corolla!!

Josh loved sitting in the beach kept him still for a few minutes!

Love these little ladies:)

Keeping warm after coming cute together!

Madelyn the artist!
Cora very excited about the gifts Nana gave the girls!  It has become a annual treat at the beach!
Ellie and Cora's horse!
Pop and Cora crabbing!
Cora had a little meltdown over her smock but she got it together to help Ellie!
Family pic at putt putt!
These two love the sand!
My little loves:)
Post vacation...back to her house and changing outfits 4 times per day!
Putt putt with Daddy!
Birthday fun! 
We celebrated Josh's first birthday and had a great party!
Love the beach!
Virgin pina colada's were a hit!
More sand for this little guy!
Pop and his crab!
Love my little guy!!  Look at those teeth!
Our Corolla beach house...LOVED IT!!  Probably my favorite house so far!
Last night at the beach!
Annual family picture!
Kelly and I with our kids!
Hello Mr. Crab!  Don't worry, we put him back in!
The girls loved the small was a hit!
Love this picture..shows how much fun they are having.  So innocent!
Cora's hair at the beach...we need product!
We missed Tom and Vera sooo much!!!
Birthday party decorations!
My family:)
How could you go to Wings without Princess dresses on?!
Happy girl!
My little man and I!
The girls got more brave by the end of the week!
Sam crabbing!
Josh ate a good amount of sand in one week!
Josh and Daddy!
Checking out the ocean!
The backpack was a big hit!
Josh's cake!!  It was delicious!
Nana with her two oldest grand daughters!