The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Hard to believe the 4th of July is already here...before we know it, it will be time to head down to the beach!  Last night we went to an early celebration to Genworth Financial and listened to a Patriotic band and watched fireworks!  We went with the McGuire's, Nana and Pop, and some other families.  It was perfect for all of the kids.  They danced and danced until the fireworks started and kept themselves pretty entertained!  It was simple but perfect!  Today we are about to head out to the Nolan's for a celebration.  I will post some pictures of that later on!
We are so lucky to live in such a wonderful and strong country...I am truely proud to be an American.....Happy Birthday America!!

Lots of lying in the grass, not sure why, but it seemed pretty fun to Ellie and Cora!

More grass time:)

Cute little Ellie!

Dancing away!

Dancing with her buddy Shay!

Almost ready for the fireworks to start! 

Ready to watch with Daddy!

Short but sweet fireworks!

Watching it with Daddy!

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