The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Pop!

Pop turned 61 on June 26th!  And he's still looking good!  :)  We had a little birthday celebration with homemade ice cream and cake a few days ago.  We were all so excited for the ice cream because we had not had it in such a long time!  The girls were very excited to stir the ice cream.  It was such a fun party, we were all tired by the end of the night!  We love you Pop, Happy Birthday!!

Madelyn stirring the ice cream!

Ellie's turn!

Cora's turn!

Meme and Joshua!  He's as long as her!

One of my favorites:)

Aunt Doris joined the celebration too!

Happy 61st Pop!

Joshua getting a ride by Daddy!

Ellie and her little buddy

Dad and his girls!

Loving ice cream and cake!

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