The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Look Who's Crawling!

Our little man turned 9 months and celebrated in a big way...crawling and pulling up!  This boy is into everything!  He is so sweet and curious.  Very curious about how things work, and is attracted to any cord anywhere!  Cora was NEVER like that!  She could barely crawl until she was almost 12 months old!  I am defintely seeing the difference between a girl and boy!  But Josh is doing awesome!  At his 9 month appointment he weighed 19lbs 13 oz (40th percentile for wt.) and was 30 inches long (96th percentile for ht.).  Where do my kids this height from?!!  I love it!!  Sleeping 12 hours through the night, taking a morning and afternoon nap, eating great!!  Overall, a happy, sweet, cuddly, curious little baby boy!  We Love you Joshua:)

Loves loves any remote and phone!

We have had to hide the dog bowl, another favorite of his:)

On the move!


Beautiful profile:)

Push ups already?!

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