The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Here Come's Peter Cotton Tail....

Easter is this weekend so we have started the Easter festivities this week!  Cora has been singing Here Come's Peter Cotton Tail for a few weeks now...she sings it perfectly! She is all ready for Easter!  She had her little preschool Easter party this week.  I was in charge of the snack/table setting.  Cora was SO excited that I was coming that day, she let her teachers know about it all week long!  The party was very cute and I got to watch them have their Easter egg hunt.  Pop Pop kept Joshua, so it was just my sweet girl and I..she had me all to herself!
Today our Wednesday playgroup had a little Easter egg hunt at the Meehan house!  The kids had so much fun looking for eggs.  We all brought a little something for brunch so it was perfect!  It has been so nice to be outside alot lately.  Now we are all set for Easter!  Next stop this week..the Easter bunny!

The table all set up for the party!

Cora and I made rice crispy treats with jelly beans!

Helping make the snack!

The Easter egg hunt at school!

Looking at the eggs with her friend Talia

So happy her mama was with her at school!

Happy girl:)

Waiting to find the eggs for the playgroup easter egg hunt!

Joshua waiting too!

The group!

And they're off...!

My little bunny...had to wear her ears the whole time!

Looking for those eggs!

Staying close to Madelyn as always!

Finding out what's inside the eggs!


Everyone checking out their eggs!

Joshua is doing so good sitting up lately!

Handsome boy:)

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