The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ballet Recital!

For the past six weeks Cora has taken a little ballet class through Henrico County's Parks and Recreation.  It's a very simple ballet class and perfect  for her to get started! For her last class they did a little "recital."  Basically they showed us what they have learned the past six weeks.  Nana came to see her and she was so excited!  I'm not sure what Cora "learned", so she will be taking another session starting next week!  We'll see if she steps up her game a little:)  She really enjoyed ballet, but I still think more of a physical sport will be her thing...she LOVES playing soccer with her dad!  They have regular practices (in my living room of course!)  I'm thinking of signing her up for soccer this fall, hopefully with Madelyn!  Next month Madelyn and her are taking swim lessons through NOVA!  It should be interesting!  Her are some pictures of her "recital".

I accidently bought the tights with no feet, so she insisted on pulling up the legs!

Nice form!

Doing a little move, not sure what:)

Running through the hoops!

Sitting on the back wall listening to directions (hopefully!)

The end!  Poor Joshua, he has been dragged to ballet every Thursday.
Of course it's during his naptime but he's a trooper!

This is a sweet picture from the other day.
I can't express enough how much I love these two:)

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