The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!

Once again, the last two months have flown by! We are entering Spring and LOVING the warmer weather!  Cora loves to be outside, so thank goodness it's getting warmer out!  Cora is just growing up before our eyes.  She is the funniest little girl I know!  She makes us laugh all day long and comes out with the funniest one liners.  She is so happy and loving.  But I would say that age three seems to be much harder than age two!  Terrible two's?!  I would say more like terrible three's!  Like I said before, she is the sweetest, most caring little girl, but she can be fiesty like no other!! People say age three is hard, and I believe it!  But we are loving every minute with our sweet Cora, and every day is a new adventure with her!!
Today (March 24th), my sweet Joshua is 7 months old!!  I say it every time, but time has really flown!  My sweet sweet boy melts my heart!  He is such a good little boy and so happy!  He is always smiling and laughing.  He is now sleeping 11-12 hours at night.  And finally is on a routine of taking two naps a day (morning and afternoon).  It took him a good 6 months to get on a schedule but he finally did it!  Cora is an awesome big sister, and he just adores her.  When she comes in the room, he lights up!  He talks a ton (dada is his favorite).  He also uses his M's, B's, and N's!  We swear every time he see's Sam he says "hi dada".  It's so cute!
We are so proud of both our babies, and we are so lucky and thankful to have such awesome children.  They both are the apple of my eye!
Here are some pictures of the last 2 months (yes, I'm behind again in blogging!) What can I say, I'm a working mother with two kids!

Lena Belle (who thinks she is a human!)

Snow thunder! First dusting of the winter!

Playing in the "snow"!

Making a Valentine's Day treat!

Cora and Joshua got a table for Valentine's Day!

So excited!

First dentist appointment!

Acted like a pro!

An old picture I babies visiting me on my 30th birthday at work!

Joshua-5 months!

Happy Boy!

Taking ballet lessons through Henrico Parks and Recreation!
Ready to go!

Her friend Talia. They are in preschool together too!
Hi Lena!

Having fun!

Melt my heart!

Fancy Nancy (February)
Beautiful girls!

Having a little lunch!

Get use to it will be dragged to girly events from here on out!

Josslyn Jaycox, they are 2 days apart in age.

Joss moved to Philly.  Saying goodbye!

2nd snow of the winter.  And of course I had to drive home from work in it!

Practicing writing her name!
Loves to drive!

Sweet sister and brother:)

Sorry sideways, but Sam sent this to me when I was at work one day, I love it!

Just another day hanging out at the park!


Hanging out with cousin Ellie!

Just another afternoon in the backyard!

My loves:)

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