The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, January 26, 2012

5 months old!

Hard to believe, my sweet sweet Joshua is now 5 months old.  Time has flown!  Every minute with him is enjoyable.  He is the most sweet, loving, smiley little boy.  He has me wrapped around his little finger!  His eyes are amazing and his spikey hair makes me smile every time I look at him!  He has learned to just go with the flow since his sister is busy on the move doing different activities!  He LOVES to watch his big sister and every move she makes!  He rolls over both ways and has great strength with his legs!  He still wakes up once during the night. Some nights he lets us sleep through the night, but usually not!  Oh well, one day he will be sleeping through the night and I will miss those midnight snuggles from him (maybe?!).  We love you sweet Joshua, you are very loved!! 

He melts my heart!

Beautiful eyes!

Happy 5 months sweet boy!

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