The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Softball & New Teeth!

We have been busy playing outside so much lately.  It's so hard to bring her inside, I think she would sleep out there if she could!  We have been playing softball in the backyard and Cora can hit the ball pretty good!  Maybe a softball player in the future??!  Joshua is still his sweet self, well almost:)  He is now the proud owner of two new bottom teeth.  We have discovered he is NOT a good teether.  Cora on the other hand had no problem getting teeth.  Never cried, never lost sleep over it.  We never even knew she was getting a tooth until it was fully in!  Her brother on the other hand...Lord help us all!  He is not handling the "situation" very well, and he's letting us know.  Poor little man, I think he just wants some extra attention from his mama:)

Perfect Lena!

Nice form!

So sad...trying to cut those bottom two teeth!

Trying to be happy in the grocery store...this was the first time sitting in the front of the cart!
Of course he is in his sister's girly cart cover:)

So sweet playing together:)

Ahh, there's my happy boy!

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