The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Cora's First Day of 2nd Grade!

We moved this past May and Cora finished up Echo Lake Elementary School for first grade. So today was her first day at her new school, Glen Allen Elementary!  She is starting 2nd grade and her teacher is Mrs. Hollins.  Mrs. Neimann will be her substitute for 3 months while Mrs. Hollins is on maternity leave!  They both seem very nice!  Cora was a little nervous but she was mostly excited!  She couldn't fall asleep and she could barely eat breakfast because she was so excited!  I am so proud of her for being positive and excited for her new school.  It's hard to leave your friends at another school and start somewhere new!  But I know she will do great like she always does!  When she got off of the bus she was all smiles and so excited to tell me about all of her great friends she made!  I think she is going to have a great 2nd grade year!!

My girl is ready to a 2nd grader!

Standing by the school bus flag!

Neighbors!  Alot smaller than our old neighborhood!

First one on the bus!

All smiles getting off the bus!

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