The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

End of September!

With school in full swing we have been having soccer games every Saturday!  Of course we have two games at different times which results in lots of driving!  Cora and Josh love it and I love to watch them play!  Last weekend they had team pics so I snapped some pictures with my phone.
Also last Saturday we celebrated Papa and Autumn's birthdays!  We had a great party at Grammy and Papa's house with lots of yummy food.  Happy birthday to Papa and Autumn!!

Peyton came to watch!  She was their coach last season!

Silly pic!


Jumping pic!

It has been HOT on the soccer field lately!


Josh is ready for some cake!

Happy Birthday!

Josh always makes me take a pic of him in the boat after speech!

Lena made some new turtle friends the other day!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Apex Fun Run!

Today Glen Allen Elementary had their Apex Fun Run!  The run is a fundraiser  for the school.  Cora got donations per lap and flat amount donations!  She raised almost $100!  The max amount of laps you could run was 36 and Cora did all 36!  She was the only girl in her class to do this!  She is my little runner!  I loved to see her run today with her class and friends.  She was all smiles (which makes my heart happy!)!

Getting ready to run with some girls in her class!

All smiles on the first lap!

Her good friend in the class Mandeline!

Cora's class!

A rare afternoon we had no we chose to make pumpkin muffins!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Glen Allen Day 5K!

Last Saturday was Glen Allen Day!  It is very cool because we just moved deeper into Glen Allen this past May.  The parade was held right outside of our neighborhood!  Cora and I ran the 5K which was awesome.  She never stopped and ran the entire way.  It was pretty amazing!  That girl has some stamina!  We ran it in 38 minutes!  It was great running together and it was something I will never forget!  After the race we watched the parade which was very cute.  We didn't make it to the other activities because of soccer games but we enjoyed our first Glen Allen Day!

This picture is from the patio crawl we went to that night!

We walked from our house to the race!

Ready to go!


She kept up with the adults!


Had to go back on the slide walking back to our house!

Parade time!  Nana came too!

Loved watching the parade, even Lena came!

Fall Soccer and Biking!

We have started another season of soccer with Strikers again!  Cora and Josh were so excited to start another season.  Cora is playing with the U8 Astros and Josh is playing with the U5 Boxers.  The last two games have been very hot so hopefully the weather will cool down soon!
Sam has now started to ride his bike and began doing some bike races with his Dad!  He loves riding and it's a great sport to share with his Dad.  Last weekend they did a 34 mile bike race!  Go Sam and Papa!!

Sam and his Dad

Serious bikers!

What a face she made when I told her to aggressive!

My little Boxer!

Love watching him!

He scored two goals the last game!
Sweet friends!
Love Abby and Cora together!

Happy Birthday Holden!

Our sweet Holden turned 2 last week!  Where has the time gone?!  I feel like he was just born the other day!  We had cake and pizza at the McGuire house and also went out to Sweet Frog on his actual birthday!  Happy Birthday Holden, we all love you (especially your favorite Ga Ga (Cora!)!

Sweet Frog!


Ready for Cake!

Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Josh's LAST First Day of Preschool!

Josh had his first day of preschool last week!  And this is his last year!!  I can not believe next year he will be going to Kindergarten!  He is going to school Monday through Thursday this year and he has Mrs. Missimer as a teacher.  We absolutely love Mrs. Missimer because Cora had her right before she went to Kindergarten!  This is our 6th year at Gingerbread and it will be so strange next year when I won't have anyone to drop off at carpool!  Cora and Josh have both gone there 3 years each.  Crazy! Excited for a great year for my boy!!

Thumbs up for a great year ahead!

Next year he will be a Glen Allen Cub!
This is Cora's first day of preschool 6 years ago!
Love this boy to pieces!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Cora's First Day of 2nd Grade!

We moved this past May and Cora finished up Echo Lake Elementary School for first grade. So today was her first day at her new school, Glen Allen Elementary!  She is starting 2nd grade and her teacher is Mrs. Hollins.  Mrs. Neimann will be her substitute for 3 months while Mrs. Hollins is on maternity leave!  They both seem very nice!  Cora was a little nervous but she was mostly excited!  She couldn't fall asleep and she could barely eat breakfast because she was so excited!  I am so proud of her for being positive and excited for her new school.  It's hard to leave your friends at another school and start somewhere new!  But I know she will do great like she always does!  When she got off of the bus she was all smiles and so excited to tell me about all of her great friends she made!  I think she is going to have a great 2nd grade year!!

My girl is ready to a 2nd grader!

Standing by the school bus flag!

Neighbors!  Alot smaller than our old neighborhood!

First one on the bus!

All smiles getting off the bus!

More August Pics!

Here are some pics from August!

Holden and Josh being twins!

Sleepover with Madelyn, Ellie, and Lauren!

Spending time with Lillian!

Riding bikes with Abby!

Hanging out on the Glen Allen train!

Sweet friends!