The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Monday, February 1, 2016


After the crazy snow last weekend, the kids were out of school until Thursday!  What does that mean?  Entertaining kids:)  We went sledding, bowling, had play dates, and made trips to Target!

Snow play date with cousins!

Bowling with friends!



Fun with the Shraders and Meehans!

Sleeding with cousins and friends!

Ellie and Cora!

Attempting a train!

Fun group of girls!


This guy just wanted to go sledding all by himself in his red sled!

Very serious!

Cora and Madelyn!

Playdate with Katy!

Target trip, new best friend!

This is one week later, and it's in the mid 60s....
Someone looks happy she's being kissed:)

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