The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Summer with Friends!

Our life has been based around swim team these past two months!  We have loved it but we have not seen some of our friends since we've been so busy with practice, meets, etc.  It was nice to catch up with the Shraders because we have missed them so much!  We had two fun play dates bowling and going to Three Lakes Park.  They both had nothing to do with the pool which was a nice change and we love the Shraders! 

Walking around the lake!

Bowling action!

My little guy loves bowling

What a group!

Cora and Samantha are so silly together 

Lunch at bowling!

It was a beautiful day!

Good friends!

Good friends and a little brother being naughty!

Monkey bars!

Three Lakes has a cute little aquarium

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