The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Canoe & Last Meet

Last Saturday we headed up to Crozet to celebrate Uncle Harold's 70th Birthday!  I took the kids out in a canoe and they loved it. I was nervous we would flip into the water but we did good!  Also Cora had her very last swim meet yesterday for the summer.  She did AWESOME and I could not be more proud.  She won 7 ribbons in 6 meets ranging from 1st to 6th.  I'm amazed she did so well and she had an absolute blast.  I was busy chatting with Grammy and Papa who came to see her so I didn't get many pictures of her last meet!  And she was busy running around so I'm pretty sure I couldn't have gotten a picture of her if I tried!  She is my little swimmer and I am SO proud of her!!!

She swam her best freestyle....Grammy was a good luck charm!

Our little canoe adventure

Cora serious, Josh having fun, and me praying we wouldn't flip over 

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