The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Canoe & Last Meet

Last Saturday we headed up to Crozet to celebrate Uncle Harold's 70th Birthday!  I took the kids out in a canoe and they loved it. I was nervous we would flip into the water but we did good!  Also Cora had her very last swim meet yesterday for the summer.  She did AWESOME and I could not be more proud.  She won 7 ribbons in 6 meets ranging from 1st to 6th.  I'm amazed she did so well and she had an absolute blast.  I was busy chatting with Grammy and Papa who came to see her so I didn't get many pictures of her last meet!  And she was busy running around so I'm pretty sure I couldn't have gotten a picture of her if I tried!  She is my little swimmer and I am SO proud of her!!!

She swam her best freestyle....Grammy was a good luck charm!

Our little canoe adventure

Cora serious, Josh having fun, and me praying we wouldn't flip over 

Summer with Friends!

Our life has been based around swim team these past two months!  We have loved it but we have not seen some of our friends since we've been so busy with practice, meets, etc.  It was nice to catch up with the Shraders because we have missed them so much!  We had two fun play dates bowling and going to Three Lakes Park.  They both had nothing to do with the pool which was a nice change and we love the Shraders! 

Walking around the lake!

Bowling action!

My little guy loves bowling

What a group!

Cora and Samantha are so silly together 

Lunch at bowling!

It was a beautiful day!

Good friends!

Good friends and a little brother being naughty!

Monkey bars!

Three Lakes has a cute little aquarium

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Summer Fun...

Here are some of the pics from what we've been up to!

So happy Meme is home from the hospital and rehab!

I am pretty sure I have been a taxi cab driver this summer:)

A day of fun at Lake Gaston!

Cora and Ellie!

Sibling love!

Cousin love!

Saw the Minion movie with swim team friends!

Happy Birthday Nana!

We celebrated Nana's 63rd birthday yesterday!  We went out to eat Mexican then came back to the McGuire's for cake and ice cream.  Uncle Harold's birthday was on Monday so we celebrated with him too!  Happy Birthday to Nana...she is the rock of our family and we all love her so much!!!

My babies

Opening her gift!

She loved her platter!

This turned out great!

Happy Birthday!

Make a wish!

Cake and icecream!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Weekly Pics:)

Here are some pics from the week....

Cora's dance class pic!

Great week at VBS!

Cora in the coach's director chair at the meet!

Lily, Madelyn, Cora, and Ellie!
Second generation of swimmers for the Dolan/Pickels' girls!

My pretty girls!

This girl loves running with her Mama!

More night time reading:)

Happy 4th of July!

We had a great 4th of July this past weekend.  We started off the day at the pool and ended the day at the Nolans!  We had so much fun at the pool with the kids doing a toy dive, relay, hula hoop, and limbo contest!  It was a lot of fun with great food!  After the pool we headed to the Nolan's house and met up with the Brennans.  The Nolans and Brennans LOVE fireworks so it was a very eventful night!  Needless to say we were exhausted by the end but loved every minute of our holiday weekend! We are so lucky to live in this great country and have the freedom that we do!  God Bless America!

Relay time at the pool!  

Our 4th of July pic!

Sam still doing fireworks in the rain!

Cora and Nolan

Cora and Stella

Grammy and Papa's pool ripped...
Didn't stop these kids!

Cora loves sparklers

Hard to see but there's Josh and Brandon

My sweet boy!

Very serious about fireworks!