The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Dance Recital Weekend!

Cora performed in her second ballet recital this past weekend at Center Stage downtown!  She did awesome!  Her class performed to "Come Fly Away" by Frank Sinatra.  She is Ballet/Tap 2 and they did a tap performance!  She did so good I was so proud!  The recital weekend is always very long but she loves it so much!  Next year she will take Ballet/Tap 3 and she can't wait!!

The girls with Nana and Pop!

She loves her flowers!!

Ellie and Cora both loved their flowers!

Cora and Samantha are such good friends and dancers!

My aviator!

Her class!

Dance rehearsal!

It was held at Center Stage

She loves it when her Daddy gives her flowers!

My girl and I!

After the performance!

Uncle Bill did great in the Daddy Dance!

Such cute girls!!

Sam and his girls!

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