The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, June 27, 2015

A few pics!

Here are some few pics of some of fun the last few days...

Cora reading to her brother melts my heart

Josh talking to Pop at the swim meet!


Ice cream!

Happy Birthday Pop & White Water Rafting!

Yesterday was Pop's birthday!  He is now 64 and better than ever!  We all love Pop so much we wanted to do something fun for Father's Day and his birthday combined.  We decided to take Pop White Water Rafting on the James River!  My friend Adam from work set up a great trip for us.  We had an awesome time!!  Afterwards we came back to the McGuire house and had lunch and birthday cake!  Happy Birthday to the best Dad/Pop any of us could ever ask for!  We love you!!!

Our awesome guide Adam!

Happy Birthday Pop!

Sister Selfie!

The group!

Ready to go!

Checking out our ride!

Love these pics!

Ready to go down!

We are ready!

Love Kelly's face in this one!

Pop and his five grandchildren!

Make a wish!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Father's Day & Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

This past weekend we celebrated Father's Day at the pool. I had to work on Father's Day so we had a great pizza dinner at the pool on Saturday while everyone played and had fun!  Cora and Josh are beyond lucky to have such a great hands on dad who loves them to pieces.  And we are all lucky to have such an amazing Pop who does anything for us!  Sam and the kids visited Papa on Father's Day and had a nice swim in their pool.  They adore their Papa!!
On Friday Aunt KK took the girls to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  Cora had a great time with her cousins and aunt!!

My 3 favorite girls!

They love getting autographs

Such cuties

We love Pop!

We love Daddy!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Officially summer!

Summer is officially here!!  Here are some pics!!

Ready for swim team pics a couple of weeks ago

Cora adores her baby cousin

Cora's thank you note to Mrs. Bouton 

And this girl had finally learned to ride her bike without training wheels!

She just took off without any help!

Jumpology fun!

So fun to see the Richters!

Burning off some energy

Playing with Jack and Sarah

Last Sports Class for the summer!

End of the year fun!
Traci send me this pic so it's a cropped pic on my phone!

Cora and Lillian love each other!

Cora's First Swim Meet!

For the past two years Cora has swam on Pre Swim Team so she did not participate in any of the meets.  This year she is on the real Swim Team and will do all the meets!  Last night Church Run swam against The Dominion Club.  Cora was SO excited and not nervous at all.  She swam 25 Back and 25 Free.  She did AWESOME!!  She placed 2nd in back stroke!!!!  So amazing that the very first event she swam in she placed.....and it was 2nd place....woohoo!  So proud!!  Back stroke is definitely her best stroke!  She placed 9th in free style so we are very proud of her!  It was a long night with a thunder delay and we didn't get home until 9:45pm!  Phew what a long night.  Madelyn and Ellie also did amazing!  It was so great to see all three girls swimming...I was so proud!!  We have five more meets to go along with daily practices!  It is a swim team kind of summer!  Go Rockets!

Ready to go!

Ellie and Cora's first meet!

This girl rocks back stroke

Friends and cousins!

Josh loves Judah!

Go Ellie!!

Go Cora!!

Just finished her free style!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Random Pics!

Here are a few photos from the last week!

Career Day "I want to be a Nurse like my Mom!"

Crazy sock day at preschool camp!

Date with Sadie!

Playdate with Sadie!

"4th of July" a  month early at school!

A day at Buster and Donna's River House!

We had a great time on Saturday visiting Buster and Donna in Deltaville!  They have a beautiful house right on the river!  We love to ride in their boat, especially the kids!  It was the perfect weather day and we had lots of yummy food and drinks!  The kids love riding in the boat, jumping off the dock, playing with their floats and running away from the crabs!  What an awesome day!!

Sister pulling her brother in!

Sister selfie!


Hanging in the float

The loved swimming!

My sweet guy was a little nervous at first


More floats

Two peas in a pod!

Boat ride!

Leaving happy!

Coming back happy!

Selfie with Sam and Buster in the background!