The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Soccer and Spring!

We finally had our first soccer game this year!  We had not had a game so far this season due to rain and our OBX trip last week.  They were so excited to play!  Cora and Josh's games were at different fields at the same time!  Sam took Cora and I took Josh to their games!  I took a ton of pictures and Sam took none!  They both had great 1st games and I'm so proud of them!  We can't wait for more games this season!  Here are a few of my favorite spring pictures from this past week also!

He loves his Batman umbrella he got for Easter!

Our turtle friend we found!

Josh also LOVES his scooter!

All ready for soccer!

My soccer babes!

Huddling with the coaches!

Josh and John Thomas!

Soccer stud

Making the moves!

Looking good!

Are they in the goal?!

Running hard!

Go team!

Good game!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Spring Break OBX 2015!

We just got back from a great few days at the OBX for Spring Break!  We had an absolute blast!!  We headed down to Nags Head on Thursday and came back on Sunday.  Between us, the McGuires, the Ackermans, and the Robinsons, there were 8 adults and 11 kids!  It was crazy, fun, and loud!  We ate great food, went to the beach, played in the heated pool and hot tub, and went to the dunes.   We had amazing weather on Friday and great weather for half of the day on Saturday.  We went to the dunes on Saturday morning when it was cooler outside.  That was AWESOME!  I had never been to the dunes and it was so much fun.  The kids loved it!  We had such a wonderful time and we are sad it's over.  Now we can't wait until next year!!

Waking up on Friday morning to beautiful weather!

These two are quite a pair!


All of the kids!

Cora adores her baby cousin

The group!

Sister selfie!

Dance party!

All ready to leave for the beach!

It was a little cool when we arrived on Thursday!

But not too cool for the hot tub!

Just hanging out

iPad time

Breakfast on the deck

My handsome boy!

Josh LOVES the water

Love this

Running in the water!

My sweet girl

The oldest cousins!

Buried by Uncle Bill!

Sam keeping everyone entertained!

My loves

Snoozing away-
They did great sharing a bed for the first time!


So awesome

Cora ran, ran, ran!

The guy never stopped running!

Lauren, Madelyn, Cora, and Ellie!

Family Pic!


Josh and Ellie racing!

Only my husband would do cartwheels!

My handsome boys!

Lauren and Cora!

Just climbing a tree:)