The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Kids One Miler!

Since January, Cora has been practicing with Echo Lake in their Weekend Warrior Running Club.  Some practices were cancelled due to weather, but she made all of the other ones!  She worked so hard and she really is a great runner!  She's got long runner legs and running is in the family genes on the Nolan side!  So today was her big race!!  She ran in the Kids One Miler which went along with the Monument Ave. 10K.  We met the running club at 7:30 AM and they took pictures and stretched.  It was a COLD morning, but she didn't care!  She wanted to run with her Daddy while her Mommy took pictures (her exact words!)  I had so much fun watching her and my heart was bursting with pride when she crossed the finish line!  Way to go Cora Hillyer...I will always be there to cheer you on as you cross every finish line!

Meeting up with the running club before the race!

Ready to run with her Daddy!

The group!

Mrs. Bouton was there to cheer her on!
She truly is the BEST teacher ever!

Start of the race!

There they go!

Crossing the finish line!!
Hard to get a good pic from far away!

Sam picked her up at the end and gave her a big hug!

She got a little medal! 

Post race lunch!

Sibling love:)

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