The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Frozen Performance & Ellie's Birthday Party!

For the past 8 weeks Cora, Madelyn, and Ellie have been taking a Frozen class at Melody Magic.  The girls loved it and they were excited to go each week!   It was a good activity to do during these long winter months.  They did a little performance on their last day of class this past Saturday.   It was so cute!!  So proud of all of the girls!

After their Frozen performance, we headed to Ellie's birthday party at Pump It Up.  It is always a fun and crazy time jumping and bouncing around!  Hard to believe Ellie is 5 (today, which is St. Patrick's Day)!  Happy birthday to my sweet Ellie...she is such a sweet, silly, funny, and beautiful little girl!  We love you Ellie!

Here are also some random photos from our March days... :)

Lena and her new haircut

Walk in the rain with Daddy

Straight hair!

It's growing!

Going to running club on a wet day!

Ready for their performance!

Tapping the sticks to the beat!

So cute...

Josh with the Frozen girls

Blurry pic of the Frozen girls

The usual silly picture with these girls

Ellie's bday party...with Josh standing up

Opening gifts!


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