The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Snow Tubing at Wintergreen!

This past Saturday we went up to Wintergreen to go snow tubing!  We are trying to do fun things this winter so this was on our to do list!  We had a BLAST!  Josh was a little too short to go on the big tubes, so we went to the Ridgely Fun Park.  He had an awesome time doing mini tubing and throwing snowballs.  He was OBSESSED with snowballs.  He had a blast but kept telling me "I not tall nough to go with Fora, Ellie, and Madin!"  I kept telling him "next year you will"!  After the fun park was done I met everyone at the tubing and switched places with Sam so I could join in the fun!  It was CRAZY!  The tubes go a lot faster than I thought.  Everyone had such a great time!  Afterwards we went to the Wild Wolf Brewing Company, which was at the bottom of the mountain at Wintergreen.  The weather warmed up by then and we had such a fun time eating and drinking.  The kids were  happy as can be playing on rocks...go figure!   We didn't get home until 6pm, so it was a long but fun day!  Can't wait to do it again next year!

This girl was ready!

Sweet cousins

I love how happy Ellie looks in this picture!

Ready to go!

An attempt of a family pic with Josh being difficult!

Josh LOVED his mini tubing

So independent 

Making snowballs

And more snowballs

Carousel tubing!

He was very relaxed doing this!

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