The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Frozen on Ice & Ballet and Tap!

Last Saturday we went to see Frozen on Ice!  It was AMAZING!!  Disney always puts on such a good show.  Nana, Pop, and I took Madelyn, Ellie, Cora, and Josh.  They all loved it!  And Pop got everyone souvenirs!  Yay for Pop:)
Yesterday Cora started her 2nd year of Ballet/Tap.  She is taking a one hour class on Tuesdays called Ballet/Tap II.  She knows some of the girls in her class from last year so she was so excited to go.  We can't wait for another year!!

The group was so excited!

Waiting for the show!

The Frozen girls!

My beautiful ballerina

Ready for another year!

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