The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Cora's 1st Day of Kindergarten!

Not sure how this has happened, but my sweet girl is now a Kindergartener!  She started school at Echo Lake Elementary on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd.  She absolutely LOVES it!  She has an amazing teacher, Mrs. Bouton.  Mrs. Bouton is so kind and sweet, and Cora adores her.  I think she is going to have a great year!  Cora's good friend Lillian is also in her class which makes the transition to school a lot easier to see a familiar face in the classroom.  Her bus picks her up at 7:41AM and brings  her back at 2:56PM.  Cora has only ever been to school for 3 hours at Gingerbread Cottage, so this is a big change for my little girl!  She is adjusting well and still looks strong and not tired when she gets off that bus!!  She was excited and nervous the first day of school.  She looked nervous but was being very brave.  When she got off the bus in the afternoon she looked so happy and excited!  I am so glad she is enjoying school and so thankful that she is able to go to a great school like Echo Lake!  We are excited for our first year of school...Go Dolphins!!

Tracy's friend took a picture of Cora and Lillian at lunch!

Matching backpack and lunch box!

Cora drew this for me the night before school.
She said to look at it when I would miss her!

Josh is so lost without his sister:(

Waiting in line!

She is ready!!

Hugging her sister bye!

Nana and Pop came to see her go!

Looking a little timid

So big in line!

Waiting patiently!

There she goes!

In the front seat!

Josh and Ellie wanted something special because they missed their siblings!

Blurry but she made it home!!

2nd day of school...already looking older to me!

My 3 year old!

Playing after school!

He got his lunch box out to go to school with her

Wearing her twinkle toes!

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