The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Frozen on Ice & Ballet and Tap!

Last Saturday we went to see Frozen on Ice!  It was AMAZING!!  Disney always puts on such a good show.  Nana, Pop, and I took Madelyn, Ellie, Cora, and Josh.  They all loved it!  And Pop got everyone souvenirs!  Yay for Pop:)
Yesterday Cora started her 2nd year of Ballet/Tap.  She is taking a one hour class on Tuesdays called Ballet/Tap II.  She knows some of the girls in her class from last year so she was so excited to go.  We can't wait for another year!!

The group was so excited!

Waiting for the show!

The Frozen girls!

My beautiful ballerina

Ready for another year!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September days...

We are getting use to the school routine and the weather has been beautiful!   We have been staying outside a lot and enjoying the weather!  Here are some pictures from our September days...

We love heading over to Echo Lake after school

Bike madness!

More of Echo Lake park!

Waving to the ducks

Josh and I at the park while Cora is at school!

We love Springfield park

Saturday morning salon day

Everyone needs their hair straightened

Welcome Baby Holden!

My new nephew Holden James made his appearance in this world on Monday, September 15th.  He was a little early so we were all very excited when we found out he was going to make his appearance last Monday!  He has a head full of dark hair and is so adorable!  I had to work on Monday so it was very hard to concentrate knowing my nephew was being born!  After work I rushed over to St. Mary's to meet the little guy!  Cora and Josh were so excited to meet their  new little cousin, so we headed over to the hospital after school on Tuesday.  They loved to hold the baby and they each brought a little gift to the hospital.  I now have 10 nieces and nephews (3 from the Pickels' side and 7 from the Nolan side)!   Hard to believe Cora and Josh have 10 cousins (4 boys and 6 girls)!
Phew, that's a lot of cousin love to go around!  Welcome to the world Holden, we love you!

Meeting Holden after work

Welcome Holden!

My sweet girl with her new cousin

Love this picture of Josh, Uncle Bill, and Holden

The loved holding him!

Cousin love;)

Josh is happy for another boy!

5 cousins:)
Cora & Josh baked a cookie for Holden!

Some post baby Chipotle!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Josh's 1st Day of Preschool!

My little guy started preschool at the Gingerbread Cottage on Monday of this week (Sept. 8th).  He will be going 3 days a week (Mon, Tues, Wed) and Mrs. Hennessey is his teacher!  She taught Cora in the three day 3 class so we all know and love her!  Josh is the youngest one in his class but so far he is doing great!  On the first day Nana took him and he looked a little timid.  But he did fine and got out of the car in the carpool line and looked excited and happy.  On the second day of school he got out of the car fine but his teacher told me he had a few quiet tears looking out the window when he got there (break my heart!).  And on the third day, Josh was not so sure about going.  He had to be pulled out of the car in carpool line.  Now that broke my heart :(  I was so worried about him for the three hours he was there but when I came to pick him up he looked happy and was so excited to show me all of his artwork!!  So all in all it looked like he had a good day with just a little rough start.  Well, now he's done for the week and we have a little break until he starts next week.  Hopefully next week he will make 3 days with no tears!!  We are so proud of our Josh and know he will thrive and do great this year!

First day!  Photo by Nana

On the second day he wanted to drive

Instead he had to be a passenger:)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Cora's 1st Day of Kindergarten!

Not sure how this has happened, but my sweet girl is now a Kindergartener!  She started school at Echo Lake Elementary on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd.  She absolutely LOVES it!  She has an amazing teacher, Mrs. Bouton.  Mrs. Bouton is so kind and sweet, and Cora adores her.  I think she is going to have a great year!  Cora's good friend Lillian is also in her class which makes the transition to school a lot easier to see a familiar face in the classroom.  Her bus picks her up at 7:41AM and brings  her back at 2:56PM.  Cora has only ever been to school for 3 hours at Gingerbread Cottage, so this is a big change for my little girl!  She is adjusting well and still looks strong and not tired when she gets off that bus!!  She was excited and nervous the first day of school.  She looked nervous but was being very brave.  When she got off the bus in the afternoon she looked so happy and excited!  I am so glad she is enjoying school and so thankful that she is able to go to a great school like Echo Lake!  We are excited for our first year of school...Go Dolphins!!

Tracy's friend took a picture of Cora and Lillian at lunch!

Matching backpack and lunch box!

Cora drew this for me the night before school.
She said to look at it when I would miss her!

Josh is so lost without his sister:(

Waiting in line!

She is ready!!

Hugging her sister bye!

Nana and Pop came to see her go!

Looking a little timid

So big in line!

Waiting patiently!

There she goes!

In the front seat!

Josh and Ellie wanted something special because they missed their siblings!

Blurry but she made it home!!

2nd day of school...already looking older to me!

My 3 year old!

Playing after school!

He got his lunch box out to go to school with her

Wearing her twinkle toes!

OBX 2014!

Last week we had an amazing time at our annual beach vacation!  We stayed at Beacon Dunes in Corolla for the third time and we absolutely love that house!  It fits all of us perfectly.   The kids all got along great and never got tired of each other.  The water was rough for a few days but after that it was perfect!  The kids enjoyed playing in the water and especially playing with their boogie boards!  We also enjoyed going on a crab hunt, painting horses, climbing the lighthouse, shopping, and riding on the go-carts.  We also celebrated Josh's birthday at the beach with a pizza party and cupcakes.  He got great presents from the McGuire's and Tom and Vera!  Sam unfortunately had to leave for work a few days early so we were sad about that.  But we had a great time with Daddy while he was there! We were also thankful Aunt KK didn't go into labor or anything!  Now Baby Boy McGuire can make his appearance whenever!  What an amazing week and we can't wait until next year!!!

My babies and I!

Love my sweet girl:)

Finding shells with Nana!

Birthday fun!

I love this pic!

Melt my heart:)

My diva!

Looking at the ocean with my little guy

My girls!

He loved to play baseball on the beach!

The girls having fun!

Daddy with the girls!

Lighthouse fun!

Go cart racing!!

Cora and I loved to drive together!

Finally we could go in the water!

Love Madelyn and Josh together!
He was showing her "small holes!"

The group minus Sam!

Nana and Pop with the kids!

Cora loves her Aunt KK!

My beach beauty!

The birthday boy when we arrived!

Ready for the beach!

He loved the shovel!

Opening some presents!

Crab hunting!

Our house Beacon Dunes!

Playing with Pop!

Racing with Daddy!

The pool was cold!

Looking for crabs!

We found one!

Sweet cousins:)

Painting a big horse!

Madelyn wanted a small horse!

Playing on the wild horse playground!

Hot tub fun!

Still loving the beach!


Pool with Daddy!

Some beach love

Annual trip to Wings (Josh was napping!)
Nana gave them each $10 to spend!

They never got tired of each other!

These two LOVE the water

Arcade fun with Pop!

Nana and Pop!

Making his way to the beach!

So happy to be in the sand!

Love these four!

Last day on the beach!

What a water girl!

Kelly at 36 weeks pregnant with Baby Freckles!

Loved putting water in buckets

Pop and his only grandson (for now!)

Josh loved Tom!

When Daddy left, everyone ended up in my bed!

My cutie