The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Busch Gardens in the Rain!

Kelly and I have been wanting to go to Busch Gardens recently to get some use out of our passes!  We wanted to go non-hot, non-crowded day, which is nearly impossible.  On Thursday the weather was calling for scattered we decided to go for it!  It actually worked out perfect.  The weather was not hot at all and there were absolutely no lines.  The kids had a blast!  We got a wet a few times but it was all worth it!  We ended our day eating ice cream waffle cones and the skies opened up and we were all under an umbrella eating our ice cream.  The kids loved it!  What a way to end our day!  Next up....Water Country!!

They rode the bumper cars over and over, no one was in line!

A little rain won't stop us!

The group "dry"!

Madelyn loves riding with Josh,
they have a special little bond

These two are too much together!!

Loving meeting Elmo and Grover!

Josh and Madelyn:)

I love all of their faces on this!

Eating ice cream in the rain!

Great end to our day!

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