The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Busch Gardens in the Rain!

Kelly and I have been wanting to go to Busch Gardens recently to get some use out of our passes!  We wanted to go non-hot, non-crowded day, which is nearly impossible.  On Thursday the weather was calling for scattered we decided to go for it!  It actually worked out perfect.  The weather was not hot at all and there were absolutely no lines.  The kids had a blast!  We got a wet a few times but it was all worth it!  We ended our day eating ice cream waffle cones and the skies opened up and we were all under an umbrella eating our ice cream.  The kids loved it!  What a way to end our day!  Next up....Water Country!!

They rode the bumper cars over and over, no one was in line!

A little rain won't stop us!

The group "dry"!

Madelyn loves riding with Josh,
they have a special little bond

These two are too much together!!

Loving meeting Elmo and Grover!

Josh and Madelyn:)

I love all of their faces on this!

Eating ice cream in the rain!

Great end to our day!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Anthem LemonAid Stand!

This past Saturday Cora participated in Anthem's LemonAid stand to donate money towards childhood cancer.  It was an awesome cause and we were so happy to help others.  She and her friend Alexandra raised $200!!  We can't wait until next year to participate again!

Ready to sell!

Alexandra and Cora!

Cora loved putting the money in!

Madelyn and Ellie came to support it!

Advertising their sale!

Dana and I with the girls!

So sweet!

July Fun!

Here are some random photos from hot July!!

Fun at the new Splash Park down the road from our house!

Cora has loved watching Madelyn swim this year

$1 movie time!

My sweet girl

Fun with Samantha and Lillian!

Chucky Cheese!

Sweet girls!

Cora was invited to Busch Gardens with Alexandra!

Sweet friends:)

Happy Birthday Nana!!

Nana celebrated her 62nd Birthday on July 14th!  The McGuire's were out of town and Cora went to Busch Gardens with our neighbor Alexandra.  So it was just Pop, Nana, Josh, Sam and Amy!  We had a delicious Thai dinner and opened presents.  Josh got all of his Nana's attention so he was happy:)   We love our Mom/Nana so much and are so grateful for everything she does for all of us! 
As part of Nana's present, we got pictures of all of the grandchildren taken.  They all turned out great!  When Baby Boy McGuire comes along we will have to get a new picture!

Opening presents with Nana!

Getting all of the attention!

Our favorite group shot!

I love this pic!

Love this!

My babies!

The oldest!

The youngest!

Go Dog Go!

Last week we took the kids to see Go Dog Go!  We were joined by Nana and the Meehans!  This was Josh's first play and he did great!!  It was Johnny's first play too and he did great!  The kids loved it and loved getting autographs at the end.  We enjoyed a lovely lunch at Jason's Deli afterwards.  We always have such a great time at the plays and look forward to Charlotte's Web in the fall!

The gang!

Josh and Johnny!

Excited about his first little program!

The group again!

Getting autographs!

Josh and Cora were so excited!

More autographs!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July!

Sam and Cora are enjoying Block Island with the Brennan Family this past week.  So it has just been Josh and I!  I have missed them terribly but Josh and I have enjoyed having a little time by ourselves!  We spent the day before 4th of July by going to the Genworth Fireworks with Nana and Pop!  It was perfect for my little man.  He loved playing in the bounce house and loved the fireworks!   He got a little scared with the loud fireworks but overall loved it!

Ready to bounce!

He loved his little shirt:)

So happy he got a little ball!

He loved playing with Pop!

Playing with John Thomas the day after the 4th!

They loved running!

My little man!

Kicking a ball as usual!

Little friends :)