The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Cora's First Dance Recital!

Last weekend was full of recital fun!  It was a long and busy weekend, but well worth it for my little dancer!  Her class tap danced to "Pinocchio."  She did an AMAZING job!!  She looked so confident on stage and didn't miss a beat!  Now she says she wants to dance again next year!  We also loved watching Madelyn and Ellie on stage!  They both were AMAZING also!!  Ellie's performance was priceless and Madelyn is the cutest ballerina!!  What a great weekend and I am so proud of all of the girls!

Her Ballet/Tap I class!

So excited her Daddy gave her flowers!

My little dancer:)

In the dressing room ready to go!

So sweet!

Her friend Samantha!

LOVED her flowers!

The girls!

So proud of her!

My beautiful girls!

Nana and Pop love watching the show!

Nana with her girls!

Suzanne came to watch!

All ready to go!

She insisted on carrying her costume!

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