The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Busch Gardens!

On Wednesday we ventured to Busch Gardens in the heat!  It was a HOT day but there were absolutely no lines.  We wanted to go before school let out and we could beat the crowds!  The kids were great and had so much fun!  We stayed until 4:45PM!!  The kids were so tired (and so was I) and the end the day!  We had a great day with our friends Christina, Carson, and Caroline!

Riding with Carson!

Josh LOVES Busch Gardens!

There are Cora and Carson's little heads in the back, all by themselves!

The group, minus Josh!

Boat ride!

The Ladybug is always a favorite!

Cora and Carson got along really well!

Having fun!

Well deserved ice cream at the end of the day!

My favorite pic of the day, love Josh's expression on his face!

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