The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hello February!

As I write this post, I realize that February is almost over!  And I'm happy about that!  We are all over the cold and ready for some warm weather!!  This month we visited Meme at her new apartment in Imperial Plaza.  The kids LOVE Imperial Plaza and Cora tells me all the time that she is going to live there when she is old!  We also went to Stella's 9th birthday party at Skate Nation.  Hard to believe, when Sam and I first met we I went to her 1st birthday party at Debbie and Gerald's house in Mechanicsville.  My how time flies!!  Anyway, February was fun, glad it's almost over:)

Visiting Meme!

Sunday morning car ride to the Dairy Barn for brunch!

Lena loves a car ride!

Ice skating at Stella's birthday party at Skate Nation!

Of course Josh wanted to skate

Ready to hit the ice!

They enjoyed the games more than the ice:)

Playing doctor is a big hit in our house!

Cora enjoying a playdate with Lillian

My loves:)

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