The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Old Friends and Snow!

Last week we finally had our first snow in Richmond.  It was not very much, but we were all excited for it, especially Cora!  We waited all day for it to start snowing...and it finally arrived that evening.  Josh had so much fun playing with his older sister in the snow.  I had to work the day after, but Sam got to stay home and enjoy it with the kids.  From what I hear, they all had a blast!
The next day, we had a small dinner party with some of my old friends from high school.  Court Lawler is one of my oldest friends, probably the oldest!  I got to meet his wife Nadia, and his kids Ashton and Scarlett.  The kids had an awesome time together!!  We also had Brad Tunstall over with his wife and son.  I have become good friends with his wife Meg, and their son John Thomas is close to Josh's age!  We had a great time...ate lots of pizza and drank lots of wine!

Waiting all day for snow!

Ready to go out right when it started!  About 6PM!

Taking Lena out too!

Blurry picture but so excited!

Snow Day!

They pulled each other in the sled..Cora is a little too big for this baby sled!

Making a snowman!

John Thomas enjoying a cupcake!

Proud of their snowman...with no head!?

Court's daughter, Scarlett

Cora and Ashton!

Daddy and Josh!

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