The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Old Friends and Snow!

Last week we finally had our first snow in Richmond.  It was not very much, but we were all excited for it, especially Cora!  We waited all day for it to start snowing...and it finally arrived that evening.  Josh had so much fun playing with his older sister in the snow.  I had to work the day after, but Sam got to stay home and enjoy it with the kids.  From what I hear, they all had a blast!
The next day, we had a small dinner party with some of my old friends from high school.  Court Lawler is one of my oldest friends, probably the oldest!  I got to meet his wife Nadia, and his kids Ashton and Scarlett.  The kids had an awesome time together!!  We also had Brad Tunstall over with his wife and son.  I have become good friends with his wife Meg, and their son John Thomas is close to Josh's age!  We had a great time...ate lots of pizza and drank lots of wine!

Waiting all day for snow!

Ready to go out right when it started!  About 6PM!

Taking Lena out too!

Blurry picture but so excited!

Snow Day!

They pulled each other in the sled..Cora is a little too big for this baby sled!

Making a snowman!

John Thomas enjoying a cupcake!

Proud of their snowman...with no head!?

Court's daughter, Scarlett

Cora and Ashton!

Daddy and Josh!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

UR and My Birthday!

Last week Kelly and I took the kids to the University of Richmond to walk around the lake.  It was a beautiful day so we packed our lunch and headed there after Gymnastics.  It was so nice to be outside.  We ended the afternoon at  Sweet Frog.  It was so nice to hang out with Kelly and my nieces.  I absolutely love having our kids around the same age.  They are all so close and are truly best friends. 
On Saturday we celebrated my 31st Birthday and Nana and Pop's!  We had dinner, cake, and present opening.  The kids had fun playing, the men watched football, and the women chatted.  Couldn't ask for a more perfect birthday with the people I love most!

Best of friends...

Feeding the ducks!

Josh LOVED feeding the ducks!

Here he goes!

Josh and Ellie are two peas in a pod!

Love this picture of us:)
The group at Nana and Pops!

Blowing out candles with my loves!

Ready for 2013!

We hope everyone had a wonderful New Year...2013 is here!  As usual, we had a low key new year.  We went over to Aunt Susie and Uncle Gerald's for a few hours and were sleeping by midnight!  Here are some random pictures from 2013 so far!

This is from 2012...Cora finished her first Gymnastics class in December!

Josh loves two wipes and pacifiers!  Go figure!

It gets dark early and it's it Spring yet!?

Hanging out in the back yard!

So sweet!

Cora helping her brother!

My  little helper!

Playing in the front yard...the love to play in the mulched area...

Cora pushing Josh!

Playing in the playhouse together!

Such a happy boy outside!

So cute!

My happy boy!

Look who now has BLUE slippers! 

Great action shot!

More from Christmas!

Here are some more pictures from Christmas activities!....

Cora in her Christmas PJ's!

Hanging out at our favorite tacky house!

We LOVE this house!

Getting into some Christmas cheer:)

Another Christmas tree pose!

Seeing the lights at Lewis Ginter with Nana and Pop!

Family Photo!

Josh touched the lights and they went out!

Nana with Cora and Josh!

My silly girl!

Random picture Cora drew for is both of us on a bridge!

At Uncle Harold and Aunt Doris's for our family gathering! 

Ready to set off a rocket!

The best parents/grandparents in the world!

Christmas 2012!

New computer, back to blogging!  My old computer was having some technical difficulties so I now have a brand new laptop ready to go!  Special thanks to my Dad for guiding me on which one to choose!!
Back to Christmas (which seems like decades ago!)
We had an absolutely wonderful Christmas!  I worked Christmas Eve, so I met up with the Nolans after work.  We had our annual Secret Santa Exchange.  Cora ended up with Autumn, Josh had Cora, I had Sam, and Sam had me!  We basically kept it in the family!
Christmas Day we went to Aunt Laurie's and  Uncle Mike's.  We had a wonderful brunch, then came back home to nap and get prepped for Nana and Pop's.  We had a wonderful time with the McGuire's and Meme!  It was just a great Christmas, especially because Josh is a little order and can participate more!  He loves to hang with all of his girls (Cora, Ellie, and Madelyn!)  Cora was very into Santa this year.  Having children brings the magic back in is truly amazing!!

Ready for everyone to wake up...they both did not wake up until 8:45am!

Cora helping her brother!

Checking out the presents!

Starting to open up presents!

Cinderella snow globe!

Loving his guitar with his sister's slippers on!

Still helping her brother out!

LOVED her pillow pet!

Eating at Nana's!

Silly Pop!

The girls!

Cora and Josh with Pop

Pop with his grandkids!

Cora and Madelyn so excited to give each other the same gift!

Not only cousins, best of friends!

The group!

Super Josh!

Sam's shirt from the McGuire's!

Josh's rocking horse from the McGuire's!

Meme and her calendar!

Checking out Nana's calendar!

Pop and Nana's gift to everyone!