The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Legendary Santa, Sing-a-longs, and Madeline's Christmas!

We had a very busy week last week.  First, we went for our annual visit to the Legendary Santa down at the CMOR on Thursday with Nana, Aunt KK, and the McGuire girls.  We got there early so we could wait in line to see Santa come down the chimney...well worth it!  The girls and Josh had a front row seat!  Of course Josh cried and Cora wouldn't smile because she wanted her snack..right then and there.  The picture turned out cute though!
On Saturday, we went to see Madeline's was so cute!  Cora loved it!  Josh stayed at home with Daddy, so it was a little outing with just my sweet Cora, which we both cherish and love.
Finally, Cora had her preschool Sing-a-long!  I was working, so luckily I could leave work for a little bit to watch her performance!  She was front and center and boy did she sing!  She was very animated...that's my Cora!!  What a fun and busy week of making many wonderful memories!

The best picture of all 4 of them!

Waiting in line!

Front row waiting for Santa!

Here he is!

Afterwards, they rode the train...poor Josh was not a fan at first!

And there it is...maybe next year:)

Josh waiting for his sister to come out and perform!

There she is!

My babies and I...ignore the cookie in Cora's mouth!

Love this picture!!

Cora and her good friend Talia

We just love her teacher, Mrs. Hennessey

My sweet girl

Cora and Talia at Madeline's Christmas!

We got a picture with Madeline herself!!
Could Cora be Madeline one day?! :)

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