The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Madelyn!!

So I'm a little behind (again) in the blog world, so let me get caught back up!  A few weeks ago Madelyn had her 5th Birthday party and Pump It Up!  We had never been there before so it was very exciting for Cora!  Josh was a little hesitant but loosened up in the end and started walking around.  He even sat at the big kid table with everyone!  Hard to believe Madelyn is 5 years old and will going to school next year!  Where does the time go?!  I remember it like it was yesterday that I first laid eyes on that beautiful little girl...we love you Madelyn!!

Josh was so excited to be at his cousin's birthday party!

Now that's alot of kids!

Watching Madelyn open presents!

We went back the the McGuire house after the party for pizza. 
Cora was very excited to give her cousin her present!

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